WZWeigh V7.5

Introducing WZWeigh version 7.5. Released in Feburary 2021, this article  offers the nectar insights into some of the new features and functionality under WZWeigh and its accompanying applications of WZBulk, WZLoad and POSWeigh.


Transport Time Billing

WZWeigh as standard offers transport scheduling  using an MS Outlook inherited and styled calendar with drag and drop and reschedule functionality. Behind this; pick-up and delivery, logistics cost and price per vehicle configuration with advanced pricing capability for the internal fleet and/or transport subcontractors.

Version 7.5 built upon existing success allows the setup of a transport company as its own profit centre, entity, under a larger ‘umbrella’ company. This transport profit centre purchases and sells materials from external profit centres (quarries, sites, and yards) including your own. The transport division/company has the ability to mark-up materials, sell them at cost, or provide them at no charge where i.e. customers have an existing account with the aggregate supplier. Invoicing capability includes per tonne, per cubic metre, per load; transport and/or materials only and ofcourse the newly realeased vehicle hire; meaning per hour – per 5, 10 or 15 minute interval, rates.

WZWeigh offers 5 authentic timesheet rounding functions being that of ‘Without Rounding’, ‘Basic Rounding’, ‘Indiscriminate Rounding’, ‘Favourable Rounding’ and ‘Bias Rounding’  of which the calculations or algorithms behind each we’ll not bore you with here. Basic Rounding is the most choice accompanied with a 15 minutue rounding interval, summarising if the job is started at or before the seven-minute mark (e.g., 8:07), the job start time rounds down (to 8:00, in this case). If the job is started after the seven-minute mark, the start time rounds up (to 8:15, in this case). As with any vehicle hirage time billing is not continious. Drivers need to take a break from time to time and of course there is always vehicle break-downs which is why we included Break Time as part of transport time billing solution.

WZWeigh’s Transport Time Billing Synposis; 

Dispatch plan and schedule jobs (Pre-Entry transactions) inside WZWeigh. These transactions are then available per vehicle, inside WZBulk (WrightZone’s touch-to-load tablet technology) for driver acceptance.

On Driver acceptance time billing automatically starts. Drivers’ then add single or mutiple material loads to the transaction recording net weights and aggregate supplier docket numbers (as display within the docket above).

Drivers can run mutiple jobs simultaneously recording Break Time (being morning tea, lunch or mechanical break down, etc) against one or multiple jobs as requirements dictate.

Dispatch monitor the live time statuses of each transaction across the fleet (Collect, Dispatched, Return) in addtion to the accumlating net weights. Dispatch has full rescheduling capability of the vehicle, job, material available at thier finger tips. 

Drivers complete the job in thier WZBulk tablets moving the transaction from the Onsite Grid to the Exit Weigh Grid in WZWeigh, where its othewise checked by Dispatch and ready for invoicing.

The Resourcing Grid

With the release of WZWeigh’s Transport Time billing it didn’t take long for a number of existing clients to quickly include it within thier day to day operations. As easy it is to capture the information as easy as it must be, to output and report on the information, 

With time as one of our most limited resources we have expanded the Resourcing Grid, to include Time Billing. Commonly used as a toolset for resource consent compliance reporting and/or acknowledgment of traffic flow peaks and troughs, offering insight into site capacity constraints. The addition of, Duration, Break Time, Charge Time, Job, Load Counts, Time In, Time Out, and Driver, Fields to this Grid produces easy visibility monitoring and management of everything that is Time Billing.

Sampled (below) with Time Jobs only across 17 days for 5 (random) vehicles WZWeigh totals a duration of 259 hours to deliver 3,203 tonne. This equates to an average delivery rate of 12.4 tonne per hour.


Licence Plate Recognition Cameras

We are excited to announce the inclusion of Automated Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) capability within WZWeigh. Included as standard WZWeigh offers API’s to two of New Zealands leading LPR camera brands being that of AXIS and ARH.

Whilst we’ll not go into the detail of “how we do that,” we’ll summarise the processing capability of the Licence Plate Recognition functionality under WZWeigh;


  • Pre-Entry Creation – When the vehicle enters the site WZWeigh automatcially creates a Pre-Entry transaction meaning a recall of the vehicles last onsite transaction, not currently processed. This transaction is then available inside WZLoad for Operators to process and touch-to-load.
  • Pre-Entry to Onsite –  The vehicle is scheduled and planned to be onsite today. On Licence Plate Recognition of the vehicle entering the site, the vehicle ID is systematically matched to an existing Pre-Entry transaction with the match processing the vehcile to being onsite, ready for loading.
  • New Entry Weigh, Onsite Save – With or without a weighbridge the LPR camera triggers a new Entry Weigh transaction, recalling the vehicles’ last transaction awaiting confirmation in either manned or unmanned environments of the detail.  With the vehicle recorded onsite the transaction is available for loader operators to touch-to-load under WZLoad operations. 
  • Onsite to New Exit Weigh –  With or without a weighbridge the LPR camera detects the licence plate which is then matched to an existing onsite transaction under WZWeigh. This match triggers the opening of  the Exit Weigh screen for the onsite transaction, awaiting save in either manned or unmanned operations. 
  • Exit Only – Specifically weigbridge functionality where operations are commonly unmanned and/or its waste or clean fill coming into the site without load-out requirements.  The LPR camera detects the licence plate recalls the last transaction for the vehicle including its tare weight with WZLoad or POSWeigh displaying the Exit Weigh screen awaiting Driver save. Options include auto save functionality on a stable weighbridge reading. 

Whilst we dont have the time to discussus a raft of accomanpying features such as automated vehicle ID creation, on first Entry, we’ve learnt; those business within our industry pursuing this type of technology are not only using it for speed but for security as well.

Hence we’ve built API’s for the common Snap Shot IP Camera to compliment the LPR cameras. On transaction save (or docket production) across WZWeigh’s suite of applications, a photo is automatcially taken on Entry or Exit Weigh of the vehicles load.

The photo taken retains the same name as the docket number for tracability purposes and users can double-click from inside WZWeigh’s Transactions Grid to view it.

While we hope you have enjoyed the taste of what’s available in version 7.5 there is of course, a complete honey comb of rich features and software functionality outlined in detail within our formal WZWeigh V7.5 Realease Documentation (sampled below). Contact Us to Learn More.


WZWeigh V7.5 Realease Documentation – Contents 

An Overview… Pg2

Transport Time Setup.. Pg2

Timesheet Rounding.. Pg4

Duplicate ID’s Always Enabled.. Pg5

Transport Products/Services.. Pg5

WZWeigh Status Management.. Pg7

Transport Time Transaction Processing.. Pg7

WZBulk – A Transport Software Solution.. Pg11

Transport Mode Setup.. Pg11

Show ID for the Same Hauler.. Pg11

Transaction Processing.. Pg11

Transport Time Billing Conclusion; Pg17


Minor Enhancements.. Pg17

Pre-Entry Enhancments.. Pg19

Vehicle Maintenance. Pg19

Destination Setup and Enquiry Form Enhancements.. Pg19

Product Maintenance.. Pg21

User Options.. Pg23

Grid Engine Updates.. Pg24

The Transporting Grid.. Pg25

The Resourcing Grid.. Pg26

Automated Number Plate Recognition (ANPR).. Pg28


Adding Vehicles.. Pg31

Interface Updates.. Pg32

Security Updates.. Pg34