Pre-Entry Transport Planning & Scheduling Management
The WZWeigh Pre-Entry Scheduler delivers bulk haul transport managers the capability to plan and schedule with ease offering visibility and control of your transport operations. Dispatchers schedule transport pick-up and delivery detail while transport operators process and complete the payload ready for invoicing.
The term Pre-Entry is unique to our WZWeigh software, defined as the action of entering beforehand. Before operator job acceptance or vehicle Entry Weigh a preliminary transaction is optionally created called; Pre-Entry under WZWeigh. The Pre-Entry scheduling toolset combined with a raft of transport planning and management features is philosophy aligned with Materials Requirements Planning, (MRP) offering a software-based solution that works backward from customer materials and job(s) demand.
Pre-Entry transactions are ultimatey forward orders spanning days, weeks’ even months with varying aggregate or materials and multiple transport suppliers. A Dispatch Managers’ job is to try and coordinate all the variables in play for mutiple jobs during any day hence the purpose and design behind WZWeigh’s Pre-Entry Scheduler.
At a glance…
- Offers a MS Outlook inspired and styled scheduler that is multi-screen ready with complete transparency and interopability between the Pre-Entry transaction and its linked scheduled event.
- Create multiple Pre-Entry payload transactions per vehicle, transport provider, customer, material, job, pick-up location or destination dimension(s) either in combination or specifically. And schedule recurrences daily or across days, weeks and months including i.e. every 01st, 2nd or last day of the month; every Monday or Saturday and so on.
- Update or edit a Pre-Entry’s recurring Event Series dimension or dimensions, on drill-down provding edit capability for tens or hundreds of payload transactions on click.
- Full Master Recurrence Maintence functionality allowing segement selection of dimension and/or time changes within a single Event Series.
- Full Periodicity Management. WZWeigh will recommend the quantity of vehicles required to forefill the order. Based on your estimated round-trip perodicity time frame WZWeigh provides the estimated finish time that auto-updates based on your preffered start time. Colour coding highlights start and finish times outside of working hours with Real Daily Availability measures guiding you through capacity constraints and resource under utilisation.
- Book, plan and optionally schedule under WZWeigh to;
- Have the transport fleet follow and process through to invoice production digital instruction (on a tablet) under WZBulk.
- Have loader operators prepare and complete Bill of Material recipes prior to transport pick-up under WZLoad.
- Have security and saftey with site access permission grants on Pre-Entry vehicle and/or transport provider match, under POSWeigh.
- Adhere to transport movement counts and like measures when sites are limited by resource consent compliance.
- Acknowledge demand (across applications) and therefore change production to meet it.
- Acknowledge future revenue and production costs in bulk under Forecasting or by load with Pre-Entry taking into account vehicle configurations of i.e. Truck Only or Truck and Trailer etc.
- Feature Rich;
- The Pre-Entry toolset consists of a Pre-Entry Grid, Planner and Scheduler with full drag and drop capability. A Real Daily Availability Grid with colour coding throughout; tenative or confirmed status management and grouped, merged group grid reporting by date, hour, job, material, customer and so much more.
- Automatically create Pre-Entry transactions on vehicle, site entry with the use of ANPR cameras. Processed to ‘loaded’ inside WZLoad by loader operators.
- Specific invoice reference, CMO or Release Number ready.
At a glance…
- For Truck Drivers using POS Pre-Entry prepopulates data providing instruction and fast Entry weigh processing.
- For Loader Drivers communicates the current days’ plan and therefore materials demand.
- For the Scale House a Google type search by Vehicle ID, Hauler, or Customer across all Pre-Entry transactions offering fast Entry weigh processing.
- Pre-Entry transactions can be created as scheduled from within the Pre-Entry Scheduler.
- Pre-Entry transactions can be processed Onsite directly from inside Scheduler.
- A Pre-Entry transaction can be created and later scheduled via drag and drop or scheduled using the Pre-Entry Scheduler button.
- There is a one to one relationship between a Pre-Entry transaction and its Pre-Entry Scheduler, scheduled event.
- The Event Series function is used to bulk update hundreds of Pre-Entry transactions within the one simple Pre-Entry window.
- Master Recurrence Maintenance is used to create multiple patterns i.e. varying aggregate or materials supply, transport providers, logistics destinations, even Jobs and Orders within the one recurrence pattern offering a visual timeline (with drag and drop) of all events that form your logistics and transport plan.
Designed to take the complexity out of busy operations empowering logistics and transport managers with the capability to plan and schedule with ease.
Pre-Entry Scheduling Features:
- Pre-book plan and optionally schedule;
- Vehicles, Haulers, Jobs and Materials, their pick-up locations and delivery destinations.
- Transport Hire, Tonnage, Cubic Metre and more weights and measures jobs.
- Transport Only, Materials Only, Materials with Transport Hire, or Tonnage and more, billing configurations.
- Grid Views by;
- Vehicle, Hauler, Customer, Job, Location and Destination.
- Date and Hourly Blocks.
- Day, Week, Work Week, Month and Timeline.
- With Grouping, Merged Grouping, Filtering, Sorting, and Find functionality.
- Edit individually or in bulk with Copy, Paste, Delete; Drag and Drop functions within the Pre-Entry Scheduler and Pre-Entry Planner Grids.
Job creation with Transport Management planning and scheduling will not only increase the quality and time to service customers, but optimise fleet efficiency which works in increasing customer retention through customer satisfaction.
Pre-Entry Transaction Features:
- Optional Transaction Recall on vehicle input.
- Optional Default pick-up Location on material selection.
- Optional Default Destination combinations on customer selection.
- Record per vehicle configuration(s) Target Weights and,
- Disable or Enable Target Weight Recall.
- Under POSWeigh;
- Processing Only.
- Reserved Timer Settings.
- On-Run, Job, and/or Transaction Editing function access.
- Under WZBulk/Load;
- Processing access.
- Default processing mode.
- Notes acknowledgement.
- Recipes Ready acknowledgement.
BHL Feeds export Sales Orders from CIN7 as Pre-Entry transactions into WZWeigh. The Sales Orders’ expected dispatch date is a match to WZWeigh’s Pre-Entry date (initally). Under WZWeigh Dispatch Users assign fleet vehicles and schedule pick-up times. Available under WZLoad with operators able to load vehciels and/or prepare and Ready mixes.
Payload net weights are delivered by loader operators under WZLoad/Weigh with pack-slip reporting of recipe individual and finished material net weights.
The completed payload transaction is then exported back into CIN7 against the orginating order, reducing child and/or parent inventory levels, updating CIN7’s order status to Dispatched and therefore invoice ready.
Ward Quarries located in Te Kauwhata employ automated number plate recognition (ANPR) cameras. On vehicle site entry the camera detects and recognises the licence plate creating a Pre-Entry transaction under WZWeigh with the use of API’s.
Pre-Entry transaction creation, is a copy of the vehicles last payload transaction available for WZLoad operators to process Onsite and load.
Extended functionality includes:
- WZWeigh default transport company assignment, vehicle (licence plate and more) and Pre-Entry transaction creation with first time, site entry.
- Log Only of staff and/or courier like vehicles’ removing Pre-Entry transaction creation and logging only, the vehicles’ entry time stamp.
Brookby Quarries quite possibly the largest and busiest quarry within New Zealand is subject to resource consent compliance summarising a limited quantity of vehicle movements in and out, within any hour.
While resource compliance rules have changed over the years the team creates and schedules Pre-Entry transactions under WZWeigh. Booking vehicle movements; transport providers and materials pick-up within hourly blocks. Flowing through to traffic management and hourly site Entry Weigh, payload availabilty. Communicated to clients days before behand with the scheduled emailing of the Pre-Entry Planner Grid per transport provider and/or customer.
WZWeigh monitors vehicle Entry and Exit Weigh seperated counts, within hourly, daily, weekly and monthly consent limitations offering colour coding and opertor notification on nearing or meeting resource consent compliance, maximums.
Addline Transport the largest bulk haul transport company in the Bay of Plenty starts all today’s and tomorrow’s transactions with Pre-Entry.
With 30 plus trucks of varying configurations and services that extend beyond transporter, bulldozer and machine hire the continued success of this business is dependent on their ability to plan, schedule and create ‘on-the-fly,’ future payload transactions.
Dispatchers create Pre-Entry transactions under WZWeigh made available for transport and machine Operator processing using touch-to-load technology (on a tablet) under WZBulk.
Operators processes the Pre-Entry transaction through to payload delivery (invoice production) with Live online communication between applications.
the power of pre-entry is both visual and easy
- The Find functionality offers a Google Search of hundreds of transactions that meet you search criteria automatically hiding invalid results.
- A Pre-Entry transaction is multiplied from the Pre-Entry window in setting a recurrence quantity resulting in a one to one relationship between each Pre-Entry transaction and its corresponding scheduled event.
- Drill-down from the Pre-Entry Planner or Pre-Entry Calander for edit of the Pre-Entry’s Event Series, Recurrence Master or the Pre-Entry transaction itself.
- Multi-screen ready with Pre-Entry transaction traffic light colour coding. A transaction being edited in the Pre-Entry Calander will be highlighted within the Pre-Entry Planner and vice versa. User(s) accessing a Pre-Entry transaction is colour coded to all other users in real-time.
WZWeigh is built on a Grid Reporting Engine therefore field Grouping, Custom Groups and Merged Grouping with sorting, filtering and Find functionality including Excel export are all, absolutley standard. Our difference beyond the ability to recur eReports is a range of Transport Management specific Grids:
- The Pre-Entry Planner Grid – Systematically schedule transport subcontractor pick-up locations and times including material and destination the evening before the following days demand is due.
- The Dispatch Grid – A summary of vehicle movement counts including those that are Pre-Entry processed vesrsus not, by Operators. Delivers resource consent compliance ‘simplistic’ daily reporting where i.e. a Split-Load producing two dockets is a single movement count.
- The Real Daily Availability Grid – A daily Operations Grid that shows:
- Pre-Entry Planned and to Onsite processed,
- Entry Weigh Onsite directly and,
- Pre-Entry or New Entry Only; completed Exit Weigh, traffic movement counts;
For past, current and future date(s) (selection) within (user-defined) hourly blocks.
- The Transporting Grid – Transport load counts, time stamps and weights including materials supplier docket photo capture; detailed analytics and reporting.
- The Planned Effort Grid – ‘Percentage Complete’ actual time-in ratios and reporting versus Pre-Entry scheduled and confirmed; customer or transport company (in combination or separately,) hourly booking blocks.
- The Resourcing Grid – Delivers a plethora of pivot grid reporting from job time billing versus break time per vehicle or operator to site traffic peaks and troughs within any hour.
- WZWeigh‘s Scheduler will impress with its drag and drop functionality and unsurpassed flexibility to create a single transport management plan, recurrence pattern; all encompassing multiple start times, vehicles, haulers, materials, pick-up locations, delivery destinations; customers and jobs.
- Pre-Entry is a standard component of POSWeigh, WZBulk and WZLoad applications offering a plethora of business operations and site specific configuration capability.
- Pre-Entry transactions can be transaction recalled, copied and pasted, edited and deleted, dragged and dropped to schedule, unscheduled at a per transaction level or in bulk and includes Tentative or Confirmed status and reporting management.
- WZWeigh is proudly New Zealand owned software, manufactured and distributed by WrightZone. If the Pre-Entry Solution meets 80% of your requirements we’ll develop and enhance it so to ensure 100% fit for your unique business operations.
Using a an Outlook styled calander scheduler users are empowered with fimilarity that is accompanied with transport management specific functionality. From the quantity of loads, the periodicity in minutes from pick-up to return and reporting whether your plan, is under or over transport capacity constraints are all standard.
Set the limits on your capacity constraints;
- Trading Hours,
- Loader Count,
- Your Transport Fleet,
- Transport Outsourcing Requirements,
- Resource Consent Compliance.
In setting first; (under WZWeigh) the constraints that you know of by extension, limits the variables of prediction.
Pre-Entry is about cause and effect reported in real-time offering a rolling (current day, (RDA)) Real Daily Availability, to maximum capacity. Exceeding maximum capacity has a direct impact on customer site servicability meaning, vehcile wait times.
Compliments Pre-Entry logistics and transport planning in delivering a Daily Variance calculated in hourly blocks reporting above or below past, future and current per day, optimised transport serviceability (load time) levels.
Resource Consent is one of many prescribed capacity constraints, our trading hours and stock availability are others’. All businesses have limits the purpose behind the Resourcing Grid is to identify, report and compare on these very limits.
The Resourcing Grid (like all WZWeigh Grids) offers Grid Profile Edit for recalled (user-defined) dimension filtering, sorting and profiling. Standard Grid reporting that is accompanied with eReporting functionality; offering the ability to automate the export and emailing of reports to customers, and transport companies alike.
- Resource Consent Movement Counts versus vehicle (or docket) count reporting with automated Non-Movement Count, description or reason.
- Tonnes per hour, Loader or Transport Operator metrics and reporting.
- Billable time charged less break-time metrics with reporting per operator/vehicle, machine hire.
A client and/or transport seperated, customer/transport client, Pre-Entry confirmed bookings accountability; management and reporting.
- Definitive and therefore ‘is booked’ using Pre-Entry scheduled and confirmed Status Management.
- Customer and thier fleet and/or their outsourced transport fleet are processed to Onsite within the hour they are Pre-Entry scheduled and confirmed. Receiving a 100% completed effort rating on hourly Pre-Entry match. WZWeigh algorithms allow for second chance incomplete and therefore varied hourly Pre-Entry, Onsite Weigh, time stamps.
- Measures and compares a Pre-Entry confirmed transport pick-up so to grade or rate the validity of their Pre-Entry transaction booking(s).