Scale Management Software

True Scales Management Software

The WZWeigh Scale Management Software is an Easy Weigh in Against its Competitors

WZWeigh manufactured by WrightZone a New Zealand owned and operated company offers the most modern, advanced, sophisticated and simple, Scale Management Software throughout Australasia. True enterprise metrology software.

When you need more than just weighbridge software? WZWeigh is an all site(s) operations software and solution that is weighbridge, trucks and transport, loader scales, volume metric scanners, traffic light and gate controls, cameras and logic controller(s) Ready.

Our customers are diverisified spanning weighing industries of quarrying, mining, waste, recycling and stock feed through to transport and agricultral contracting; summarising advanced flexibility and capability in configuring the software so to exceed your expectations.

While Scale Management and Weighbridge Software is a simple definition, as is our software, its only with metrology software that you get multiple units of measure. From the common ‘weighbridge’ kilogram and tonne through to cubic metre, kilometre, litres, whole units even hectares. User-defined weights and measures with conversion calculations per material(s) concludes only a small part of the exceptionally standard features and functionality of WZWeigh.

Payload, Management Software.

We commissioned WrightZone to implement a paper free system which meant bi-directional digital communication between our loader operators, truck drivers and Office Staff. WrightZone have delivered.

Brett Mascull MD BHL Feeds.

“Weighbridge data is essential for us to manage our production, customers and trucking operations.”
John Shea CFO Kaipara Quarries.

Coming Soon….




Key Features:
  • Built on SQL – The global standard.
  • Multi-Master – Syncronisation is a native process.
  • From the smallest client of three databases to larger clients with in excess of thirty WZWeigh is;
    • Cloud and Local database configurations,
    • Decentralized database architecture,
    • Performance with speed because dependencies on connection and/or timeout sequences are completely removed.
    • With Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption,
    • And Continous Uptime with automated secondry database(s) fail-over. Concluding in-built redundancy for business critical operations.


    No Two Clients are the same. Never assume!

    Assume-ing makes an ass out of u and me.

    WZWeigh is weighing scale systems and device(s) agnostic, meaning the software plugs and plays into all leading, weighbridge and loader scales manufacturers, cameras and logic controllers alike. WrightZone doesn’t sell hardware. WrightZone is soley a software house; specilaising in services on software. The advantage for our clients is in being able to retain their preference of and for, their existing branded hardware without replacement or reinvetsment.

    At the WrightZone we are committed to continuous improvement of WZWeigh’s suite of products which goes beyond the known POSWeigh and WZBulk/Load applications to;

    • WZScale Master/Slave,
    • WZComm – (Scale Communications)
    • WZScheduler Services – (Application Interfaces),
    • WZSync – (A customer, materials, job, invoice compare and syncing toolset between WZWeigh and external systems).
    • WZLogic Controller Services,
    • WZIPCamera Services and
    • WZAnalytics.

    All new clients are gifted approximataley five thousand dollars (35 hours) in development services because out-of-the-box, no software will cater to the dynamics of your individual operations and we understand this. Our goal is continous improvement that works in exceeding your expectations.

    While the term Custom Development should be fimilar being the easiest way to describe the build of software that doesn’t yet exist. All custom development becomes a part of the standard WZWeigh software, available by choice to the greater community. Is without maintenace and ongoing service fees and with always one, continous version and release number we’re offering robust scalability and stability in everything we do, for you.





    Customer Maintenance and Grid Reporting:

    • The Navigation Grid lets users scroll between customer records viewing everything from monthly balances to the percentage of revenue each customer contributes. Includes Find functionality and the Filter Builder (displayed right) available on all Grids offering condition and dimension filtering.
    • Invoice Settings offer an array of invoice production settings that are  complimented by the Invoice Grid for invoice header and line detail analysis.
    • Snapshot Balances offer transaction counts, tonnage, net and average price totals by month and quarter. Seperating totals as per load-in (i.e. waste) versus load-out (pick-up) revenue streams.
    • The Dispatch Grid reports all completed transactions, compliemented (as with all grids) with drag and drop, filtering, sorting, grouping and merged grouping, field captioning, find functionality, export to Excel and/or scheduled email reporting.
    • The Pricebooks and Pricing Grid displays the linking between which price books have been assigned to what jobs while listing the special transport and material rates per pricebook.
    • The Jobbing Grid is a Pivot Grid allowing the drag and drop of fields (vehicle, hauler, location, destination, unit of measure, job, materials, transport configuration and more) as per user requirements for detailed, job anaylsis and reporting.
    • The Customer Transporters’ Grid as with the Customer Materials Grid is used limit transporter and materials selection per customer reducing the availibility of operator error.
    • Determine your own billing cycle for customers of Daily, Weekly, or Monthly and assign each customer to one or multiple profit centres.
    • Link Job Price books to a customer offering a central repository of all special pricing historic and current; Annual or by Order and Destination, from within the one Reporting Grid.
    • Use the Debt Collection toolset to notify users and vehicle drivers during daily operations a Customer Account is overdue giving them availability to proceed but on Cash Sale terms only until overdue payments are cleared.
    • Make Entry and Exit weigh processing fast and efficient and without error, in limiting material choices based on the Customer selected.
    • Snap shot Balances offer transaction count, tonne; net and average price totals by month and quarter per Customer.
    • Full Reporting Grid functionality and flexibility by Customer; Order, Dispatch Docket, and Invoice transactions.


    Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.

    WZWeigh is built on the principals of simple job costing software. Summarising the capability to tracks costs by job. In the weighing indutry the larger job consists of multiple payload transactions with each payload consisting of Production, Materials and/or Transport only and/or a combination of each inlcuding machine hire.

    Key Features:
    • Job Creation is mandatory for every transaction therefore setup is simple, easy and fast.
    • Job Statuses include Check, Open, Closed and Forecast with Job Types of Supply Only or Supply and Deliver.
    • Job Tracking includes User Creation Date and Last Transaction Date, being key data points for opening and closing multiple jobs simultaneously, on click.
    • Pricebooks can be linked to one or multiple jobs and/or be Customer Defaulted on job creation.
    • Pivot Grid job reporting allowing the drag and drop, sorting and filtering, merged grouping and custom grouping of fields (vehicle, transporter, location, destination, materials, unit of measure, net weights; transport and materials cost and price and more;) as per user requirements for detailed, indepth job analysis.














    Job Estimate function and facility is a natural extension of WZWeigh’s job costing order management. With each job created Users can create a job linked estimate or forecast.

    Common of other applications is soley a one to one relationship between the customers’ job and its estimate. Under WZWeigh the Forecasting Grid allows the grouping of all estimate lines across customers, jobs and dates together. Summarising production and/or demand per material(s) insight, big picture planning, monitoring and indepth analysis.

    Key Features:
    • Jobs and linked price books can be created under the Status of Forecast used to differentiate and therefore group estimates between those that are Open and running, versus those awaiting customer acceptance or approval.    
    • Estimates include costing (by location) and price book advanced pricing totals with Forecast versus Actual to date, totals
    • Optionally used as lead or pipeline management Users can edit the jobs’ (expected start and finish) dates with tracking features inclusive of the last modified date and by whom.
    • Variance, Completed to date and Perecentage Complete metrics including the automted emailing to customers, transport suppliers and project managers alike; all form part of the WZWeigh comprehesive Forecasting solution.   


    Your pricing strategy is unconsciously built around your close communities.

    Key Features:
    • Price books are employed for the purpose of special pricing materials and transport related activities, requiring only a code and name during setup and inlcude Status and Expiry Date Management.
    • Price books can be copied or added during job setup or jobs can be created from price book setup. Job and price book setup is literally too easy with advanced interopability (drill-down) between each.
    • Price books can be assigned (and therefore linked) to a single customer or multiple customers. Price book assignment to multiple customers is common where customers are grouped into levelled discounts based on the sizable value of their business.
    • Default Price books – Set per customer with every job created automatically applying the customers’ default price book.
    • Price book Auditing tracks User creation with materials and transport pricing changes.
    • Price List Quoting – Enables Users to quote, price and produce (in PDF format) hundreds of per customer price books simultaneously, on click. Including unit of measure conversion calculations.  
    • The Pricing Grid –  A superior pivot reporting grid that intuitively displays all special pricing across price books, jobs, customers and more, per material item. 


    Key Features:
    • Multiple Units of Measure including conversion (i.e. Tonne to Cubic Metre and vise versa) per material, per profit centre.
    • Advanced materials and transport pricing.
    • Transport volume discounting.
    • Transport and material price and average costing by Location.
    • Costings recognition at the time of sale, the time of production and/or combined.
    • Full materials management with load-out/load-in negative and positive adjustment sales and (purchasing, production and sales) receipting facilities.
    • Snapshot Financial Balances offer transaction counts, tonnage and average price/cost totals by month and quarter. While Location Balances summarise material availability per location/site/profit centre.
    • The Transaction Summary Reporting Grid offers a summarised view of material transaction counts by location, profit centre and vehicle configuration. Grid reporting weights, measures and sales totals by day, week, month and year with Custom Grouping options.
    • The Pre-Entry Grid offers past, current and future planned loads with estimated weights and sales revenue as per the vehicle configuartion which can be edited as required within the grid.
    • While there are a plethora of settings per material and transport service all inclusive of tranport and machine hire capability we suggest Contacting Us to learn more.

    location price and cost management

    Time is the longest distance between two locations.

    List Price or RRP (Recommended Retail Price) as its sometimes known is achieved under WZWeigh using Location Management. List Price is Location Price  with location pricing offering more than one list price for all materials/products. Buying GAP40 aggregate from the same company from the Albany Yard is $42.75, while buying it from the Manukau Yard is $34.50, summarising per location (list) pricing.

    The reason for the varying per location (list) price is due costing i.e. The agreggate maybe be produced in Manukau and is transported to Albany incurring transport costs which are passed onto the consumer. For this reason WZWeigh includes average Location Costing which can be recognised at the time of sale, the time of production and/or across both costing methods.

    WZWeigh‘s Location Management offering includes two primary simple settings which can be used in combination; 

    • (SOH) Stock on Hand is True for the Location – Used to manage material volumes load-in/load-out at a per location (stock pile, or other) level with; price and cost as per the location. 
    • (SOH) Stock on Hand is False for the location – Used to manage the sourcing of material with a price and cost per location but rolls up volume management including pick-up location (load-in/load-out) to the parent (quarry, site, division or profit centre) location.   

    Key Features:

    • Multiple units of meaure (including conversion) per material and transport service.
    • Simplistic and easy, price and cost by location setup.
    • Hierarchical (parent and child) Location Management with stock on hand Materials Management configurable settings.
    • Materials availabity and multi-location management.
    • Advanced (pricebook) Pricing supersedes materials and transport location pricing.
    • Transport subcontractor Costings Management and comparison.
    • Transport versus Yard internal divisional buying and selling, of materials and/or transport.





























    Transport Management

    Seldom is the weighing of materials without a transport service or component hence WZWeigh includes; 

    WZWeigh starts with Hauler Management for Supply Only sites being when transport delivery and/or hirage doesn’t form part of your market offering; extending to per tonne, cube, time and more transport billing configurations including subcontractor management; when it does. 


    Key Features:

    • Weighbridge tare weight and transcation recall with maximum gross weight per vehicle and site monitoring. Semi-trailer truck, compartment; single and dual single, weighbridge loading, configurations.
    • Per vehicle configuration charges of per load, tonne, cube or time and more; including layered, split load, and/or i.e. Charging a truck and trailer rate for a truck only vehicle configuration (summarising discounting on that very last additional load).
    • Location Pricing, Advanced Pricing and Volume Pricing matrices.
    • Grid Reporting with find, filter, sort, grouping, merged grouping, Grid Profile template setting and recalling per transport provider for the;
      • Contacts Grid – From drivers and operators to company owners.
      • Vehicles Grid – Licence plate, description, vehicle configuration, target weights, maximum gross weights and more.  
      • Dispatch Grid –  Transaction listing.
      • Jobbing Grid – Pivot Grid multi-dimension (job, vehicle, location, destination, cost and price and more) analyis and reporting.
      • Destination Grid – Groups pick-up location(s) and delivery destination(s) per vehicle configuration reporting cost and price.
      • Time Price and Costings Grid –  Supersedes transport time; Base price and cost, in enabling price and cost per vehicle configuration and Transport Subcontractor.


    Built on award winning componetry and Taking the Hard out of future and past business operation reporting.

    The Given:

    • MS Office intergrated and inspired for fimilarity and fast uptake.
    • Multi-screen capable and ready allowing concurrent multi-window opening and access.
    • Superior data dimension(s) analysis;
      • Individual field settings include visibility, multi-field acending and decending sorting and positioning via drag and drop.
      • Caption Edit – Offers the renaming of fields for individual business operations fimilarity.
      • Filter Builder – Enables specific grid report conditioning of; And/Or, is Equal to, is Greater/Less than, Contains or doesn’t, is In, Between or, is not, and more.
        • Grouping, Merged Grouping and Custom Grouping. Parent and child grouping offering data branched views that are expanded or collapsed on click.
        • Fixed Column Banded Modes – Offers anchored columns within Grid Views docking to the left when scrolling to right.
      • Grid Profile Edit –  Enables the templating of your favourite Grid Views (reports) that can be updated and recalled and email scheduled, on click.
      • Find – Google Search functionality that finds and highlights the transactional condition existing with the grid auto-hiding criteria less results.
      • Fetch –  A default User settings typically set to two months ensuring day to day application speed and performance. On-click Users set a greater date range offering i.e. Annual transaction counts, totals and views for end of year(s) reporting (reflecting in excess of 1,000,000 plus transactions).

      enterprise metrology software












      “Grid Reporting allows us to set up a report for our customers and cartage contractors and then email or auto-email directly.”

      Paul Distribution & Logistics Manager Kaipara Quarries.


      Built on the Grid Reporting Engine offering pivot grid drag and drop with graphical display outputs. Available to all system Administrators allowing for individual or group publication of analytics data using Area, Pie, Column, Bar, Line and Stacked diagrams.

      Features include; 

      • Inherent field or dimension drag and drop, filtering, sorting and merged grouping. 
      • Multiple graphs design set as a single Workflow Desktop.


      Mining SoftwareWeighbridge and/or Loader Scales Systems in the Mining, Metals and Quarrying Industry allows operations to implement tracking solutions essential to running their business. Operations include supply and distribution of materials from not just thier their own divisions or entites but from other processing plants and aggregate suppliers in addition.

      WZBulk mobile Transport Management Industry Software delivers fleet planning and scheduling via an MSOutlook inspired Scheduler with multi-threading. Delivering application speed with on-the-flyTransport Management Software planning and transactional scheduling edits. Fleet managers, dispatchers’ drag and drop pick-up and delivery information offered as digital instruction for vehcile operators on a tablet. Transaction(s)  instructions are communicated via 3G/4G, Wifi or Radio, with offline operations capability.

      Scale Management SoftwareMulti-weighbridge, multi-site data solutions for your more complex Waste Management Industry needs. Offering the capability to meet highly regulated industry waste disposal standards whether it be landfill waste, contaminated waste, recycling, or waste water; resource consent compliance metrics are standard. Exceeding expectations in delivering technology that digitally enhances your existing operations.

      Scale Management SoftwareWeighLog Foresty Industry fork Scales resonsible for the accuracte weight and measure delivery of every log(s) see’s WZWeigh optionally record the location name and/or lot number against the material. Managing and monitoring production costs between the forest and sawmill through to customer invoice production. Units of Measure per material (combined with Location/Lot Management) offer per location (weighbridge) tonne to heat kilojoule conversion and reporting, per logging  material.

      Stock Feed Distribution and/or Agricultural Contracting Industry works are another Standard; under WZWeigh. Distribution including Parent (Bill of Materials (BOM)) less Children negative adjustment; per Hectare, Bale, Tonne, Time, Cube or Unit – User-defined Units of Measure (UOM) with conversion per material item are Standard.